Working more than 15 years in the freight market, today Kiselnikov family company is a dynamic and stable development of the transport company. Accumulated over the years of work experience, allows us to offer the best solutions for the delivery of goods and ensure the stability and quality of commitments.
The main direction of our company – it’s as delivery of perishable and other goods from the territory of Western and Eastern Europe in the cities of Russia. Our company is always looking for different solutions your tasks, improving the quality of services, as well as expanding the geography of transportation.
To fulfill the orders of our customers, we use our own cars refrigerated and covered vehicles from 82 to 96 m3 capacity up to 22 tons. Today our fleet consists of 100 refrigerators equipped termopistsami and 25 tents.
To reduce the terms of quality of delivery of goods from Europe, we opened an office in the Republic of Belarus on the M1 near the border with the Republic of Poland, where the pre-trip service and performance testing of all systems of automobiles and refrigerators, and here the drivers after the rest, and passing a medical control, go to flight.
For fast and efficient work every driver is provided with mobile communication and GPS-navigators. Centralized dispatching service is ready to take your application over the phone or Internet and timely provide the vehicle to the place of loading.
For the most expensive and requires constant monitoring of goods we use the GPS system with an indication of on-line temperature of transported goods.
Constant control of the movement of our vehicles provides a timely opportunity to inform the customer about the whereabouts of the car and quickly make adjustments in the delivery process.
We will be glad to cooperate with you!